OneStopPlus Newsletter

If you follow me, on Facebook or Twitter, you might have seen me mention this, but I completely forgot to blog about it. But, better late than never right?

So, for anyone who did miss it, I wanted to share something with you…Well, you might remember a few months ago, I was asked to review a piece of clothing from One Stop Plus. You can read my review here if you missed it . Well, One Stop Plus featured my thoughts in their newsletter. How awesome is that?

Okay, so it’s hardly a full feature or magazine article, and it might only be sixteen words chopped about a bit, but they’re still my words, and I feel incredibly proud to have written them, and to have been featured, because I’ve never been featured in anything before (well, unless you include the one issue of the School Magazine that I featured in….the magazine that never made it passed its first issue!).

So yes, very proud, and I’m currently wearing the top I reviewed, by pure coincidence (which is actually how I came to remember that I needed to blog about this!)

Style Me Up: A Beautiful Classic

When I started my blog, never in a million years did I ever expect to become a plus size blogger, because fashion has never been something that I’ve taken to naturally. So when I was recently asked if I would like to review a product from a Plus Size online store, that was completely new to me, I had to think twice about whether or not to accept.

I have to confess that when it comes to being approached by unknown (to me) stores, I tend to run a mile. But, this time I felt intrigued to try them out, purely because they are a plus size retailer, and over the past few months, I’ve noticed that a lot of you guys seem to really enjoy my plus size related posts (Well, I seem to get a lot of good feedback from them anyway).

The Store: OneStopPlus

What I Picked: Trust me when I tell you that I spent a very long time choosing something from their incredible range. I went through boots, to jeans, to tops, back to jeans, back to tops, to coats, and back to jeans, and finally I settled on the tops.

The problem was that I wanted something that:

a. Would suit me, and that I would actually choose to wear on a regular basis
b. Something that I thought you guys might like in a “style me” kind of way, in the sense, that I wanted to be able to use it in a recommendation feature, which is of course, exactly what this post is all about.

So, what did I choose?

Apologies for using a stock image. My Camera currently has no batteries!!

Product: Cowl Neck T-Shirt
Sizes: 12-34
Price: £27

Sizing: Being a Size 22 “on top”, I was torn between opting for the 20/22 or the 24/26, because when tops come in ranges like this is hard to judge if it will be a large 20, or a small 22 if you understand what  I’m saying. Nevertheless, out of fear of getting a top that was just far too big, I did indeed opt for the 20/22. This was a good choice, because it is a beautiful fit. It’s not tight, and fits perfectly.

Opinion: Overall I love this top, although, I do think that the shoulder “things” are a little bit tacky. As someone who doesn’t have particularly large boobs (I might have mentioned that before *cough*), I did find, however, that it was a little too big in that area, and I certainly would not be able to wear anything other than a black bra underneath it, as it tends to hang quite low on my chest.

But, if you’re fortunate to have bigger boobs, then this probably isn’t going to be a huge problem.

How They Would Wear It: I spent quite some time trying to decide exactly how I would wear this. The website recommends this look:

I do think that this is a really cute look, but if you have a larger tummy, I don’t know about anyone else, but mini denim skirts don’t really look that great on me. So, personally, this is a look that I would have to avoid.

How I Would Wear It: Again, I’m going to have to apologise for using stock images for this bit, but following from my birthday weekend, I’m temporarily out of batteries.

Personally, I think that this top would look fab with a dark coloured pair of jeans or trousers, not only because it’s slimming, but because it would look fab together. Here are a few suggestions:

From: OneStopPlus
Price: £19
Sizes: 12-20
From: Inspire at New Look
Price: £27.99
Sizes: 18-26
From: Yours Clothing
Price: £19
Sizes: 14-28
Shoes: I definitely think that because this is such a simple look, and because it’s dark colours, that it would look fabulous paired up with a pair of shoes that are bright and bold, either heels or flats, whichever you feel more comfortable in. 
What do you think? How would you style this top? 


These Boots are made for Walking

It’s official. I have finally found a good thing about the current fashion trend for wearing your boots OVER your jeans! Not that I have anything against the fashion, but it’s one that does not fit with my chunky legs.

What is that good thing, you ask? Well, the wideness of the boots (in order to accommodate said jeans), means that I have managed to find myself a nice pair of boots, in ASDA, of all places that fit my chunky calfs!

Image by Kitty

I know that a lot of plus-size retailers sell wider fitting boots, but in my experience they always seem to be expensive or I just don’t like them. But these ones were exactly what I’d been looking for, and it was so lovely to be able to try some boots on (in my actual shoe size) and to be able to zip them up without any problems, or tightness.

Image by Kitty

I was also impressed that they’re not tight, even when I tie the laces up. I’ve seen a lot of girls wearing boots like this with the laces undone, but since I’m not intending that part of the boot to be on show, I don’t see the point.

For me, the higher boot was more for warmth now that it’s getting chilly than fashion, as such.

Image by Kitty

It amuses me, that when I wear them, I sort of feel like I’m heading off for a days hard graft down the local mine 😉

But, the boots are really comfy, fairly warm (although we’ll wait and see how that goes, once the really cold weather hits!) and I’ve had no problems with them.

Brand: George at ASDA
Price: £20
Heel: Small
Fastening: Side Zip and Laces
Comfort: 9/10 (marked down because they rub a little on my small toe, on my right foot!)

What do you think? What boots will you be sporting this Autumn/winter?


What a Palazzo

I’m not really a huge follower of fashion. I don’t have the budget or the body shape to allow for it really, because I’m overweight, with a small chest, short legs and a long body, so I find it hard to find good fitting clothes anyway, without trying to follow fashion.

But, my not fitting to the modern idea of fashion and body shape, has led me to a fierce belief that fashion should only be followed if it suits your specific body shape. Some fashions suit tall frames, whilst other suit hour-glass shapes.

Nevertheless, every so often, there is a fashion that comes a long, claiming to be suitable for absolutely everyone as if it’s some kind of miracle product. Of course, no item is 100% suitable for everyone, it’s just not possible, and I have to say that I personally feel that the latest craze for “Palazzo” or very wide leg trousers is a hideous, but effective example of the point that I’m making.

Image from Yours Clothing

These trousers are described as being “flattering” to every body shape, but seriously?? Okay, so the wide leg won’t cling to fat thighs, but it will make your legs look even wider! And, how can they possibly look good on shorter legs? Surely they’ll just swamp them making them look even shorter?

As I say, I’m not a fashion guru, or anything like that, so I’d really love it if someone could explain how it could possibly be a good idea for any who is my size to wear these.

Personally, I think they look hideous on any body shape, but that’s just my opinion, and I really don’t get the rise of these types of trousers. On me, they are unflattering tents that add about 10 lbs to my thighs. Plus, since I have short legs, I struggle to find trousers in the right length, so I also have images of all the material trailing around my feet, and since I don’t wear heels that is surely a health hazard.

Okay, so I’m being melodramatic, but I’d love to see someone actually looking good in these trousers. Please prove me wrong, because I really do not get it!!

Does anyone own a pair of Palazzo trousers? I’d love to see photos of who these trousers look great on. Or even if you don’t, what are your thoughts on Palazzo trousers? A good all-rounder for hiding wobbly bits, or a hideous monstrosity?

Fashion: A Big Girls Day in the Sun

So summer is here *looks out of the window…isn’t entirely convinced….carries on writing anyway* So, yes, summer is “apparently” here, and all of us larger ladies are ultimately looking for ways to stay cool, but still hide our lumpy, bumpy bits whilst look beautiful.

Here is an outfit that I picked up in the recent sales, the only thing I don’t own are the shoes, but I have a very similar pair 🙂

The Outfit: The dress is knee-length and really floaty, so it is perfect for keeping cool. But, if you’re not very comfortable walking around with your upper arms and shoulders showing, then this cardigan is a great match. I actually went a size up, because I wanted something that wouldn’t cling to my arms at all, because that just makes me feel hot. I haven’t been out in really hot sunshine, but the cardy is ideal when there’s a bit of a nip int he air, so perhaps best for evenings, or the weather at the minute, since it isn’t particularly hot.

The Shoes: We all know that heels are incredibly slimming, but I am not a heel-wearer at all, so the current resurgence of wedges in fashion is an absolute god-send. They will just give your legs a great curve which is very flattering.

Extras: It’s an “issue” that most of us don’t like to talk about, but most of us larger women (and even slimmer women) suffer from rubbing of the inner thighs. It’s not nice, and it’s one of the reasons why so many of us don’t wear skirts or dresses during the hotter months, when we can’t wear tights. One solution to combat this is by wearing Comfort Shorts, which are kind of like tights, in the sense that they are a similar material, but only cover your thighs, and don’t feel as tights as tights (hohoho!). The only place that I have managed to find any was in Evans, and I have a pair in black and natural. They came in sizes that depend on your dress size and height, but when I bought my first pair (the black ones) they only had the larger sizes, so I had to go a size up, and they feel really comfortable.

I know a lot of people saying that wearing them defeats the purpose of wearing a dress/skirt to keep you cool, but I don’t know if it’s because I went a size up, but I barely even notice that I am wearing them, and they have never made me feel hot.

In actual fact, I wore my black comfort shorts underneath my black maxi dress and another dress, in Istanbul. The day I wore the maxi, it wasn’t too hot, but the day I wore a shorter dress, it was really quite humid, and again, the shorts did not make me hot. So, as far as I’m concerned, if the shorts helped me survive a hot country, then they can survive the UK weather too!

Okay so Comfort Shorts aren’t very flattering, but for £6, and as long as your skirt/dress is knee-length or longer, these really are a life saver.

What will you be wearing to keep cool this summer?


I don’t want big boobs!!

You might remember, earlier this month, in my April Hottie and the Nottie feature, I had a good old moan about the fact that I have problems fitting into larger sized clothes, because my boobs just aren’t big enough to fill them out.

So, imagine my interest, when this leaflet drops out of a well-known beauty magazine (sorry for the bad quality, the lighting was absolutely terrible!)

Photo of Leaflet taken by Me

Noting that I have never heard of Pepperberry, the caption beneath the title reads:

“Clothes designed with your boobs in mind.”

I mean, wow, what are the chances that not long after I moan about it, I get a leaflet advertising just what I’m looking for! Brilliant. And, it’s amazing that I looked at the leaflet in the first place, because I typically just throw the crap away (or deliberately entice it to fall out when I’m picking the magazine off the shelf *cough*).

Mildly intrigued, I flip the leaflet over to find out more (already having noticed how pumped up the models boobs are. I mean, seriously??)

Leaflet flipped over, the first thing I see is Sizes 8 – 18. Huh, well, that’s pretty useless, but the worst bit is:

“3 Curvy Sizes to fit your Boobs:
Really Curvy
Super Curvy.”

Photo of Leaflet taken by Me

Do not get me wrong, I do honestly think that this is really great for slimmer women who have big boobs, because as the response to my previous post emphasised, there are a lot of women who will really appreciate this brand, and that is absolutely fantastic.  Nevertheless, what about people like me who are the other end of the scale, ie bigger but with smaller boobs? I can’t be the only person that has this problem can I?

On a slightly different note. Why the heck do they feel the need to really push up her boobs on the front? She looks bloody amazing, and the dress is absolutely gorgeous (I’d kill to be able to wear a dress like that), but why not just hire a model who doesn’t need to be “pumped up”?

Sometimes, the fashion industry just baffles me :-/

Glasses: Express Yourself with Optical Express and Vue Cinemas

I first started glasses when I was thirteen. They were these huge purple things, that I am very glad that I don’t have any photographic evidence of. At the time, I only wore them at School, to read the blackboard, but as time has gone by, I’ve had to wear them all the time, and I’ve grown to really love wearing them. Throughout my life, I’ve been told not to wear them, because I look “silly” and it’s been suggested that I wear contact lenses. So, why don’t I? Because my glasses are a part of who I am.

I know this is something that I blogged about recently, but when I found out that Optical Express were trying to promote a new line of cool glasses for teenagers, I was really keen to get involved.

Our teenage years are potentially the most difficult years of our lives. Everything is changing, from our bodies to our outlook on life. That nice little bubble that we existed in, before we reached Secondary School, has well and truly been burst, and we start to become a lot more aware of the world around us.

We feel awkward about how we look. We feel too fat, or too thin. We think our ears are too big, or our boobs aren’t big enough. We want to fit in, but we still want to be able to express ourselves, within the tight constraints of the education system. And that last part, is the thing that I think needs to be encouraged amongst teenagers today: Stay unique, and express yourself.

We express ourselves in a variety of way:

  • The clothes that we wear
  • The way we style our hair
  • Our jewellery
  • Our shoes
  • The music that we listen to

In my opinion, glasses are an excellent accessory for expression. Glasses say that you are an intelligent girl or guy, who is bang on trend. And let’s face it, glasses are becoming more and more trendy, as more celebrities (including Justin Bieber and Anne Hathaway) are stepping out at Award Ceremonies and photo shoots, wearing prescription and non-prescription glasses.

Glasses are a fashion accessory in the exact same way, as wearing a hat, or a kitschy bracelet, proven by the fact that celebrities who don’t even need to wear glasses are wearing them.

But, most importantly, the glasses available these days are definitely not as “geeky” as they’re renowned for being, and you really don’t have to ask your parents to buy you really expensive one. Instead, you can buy awesome ones, that are so trendy, that teenagers can choose a style that suits their face shape, but matches those worn by their favourite popstar or actor.

To celebrate the launch of this really cool new range, Optical Express are running a competition, exclusively through Facebook, with the incredibly prize for the very lucky winner, being an iPad2 (jealous, much?). To enter, all you have to do is help Optical Express choose a name for their cool new range of teenage glasses.

The competition ends this coming Friday (April 22nd, which is of course Good Friday) so hurry over there, and get your entries in now, by liking the Optical Express Facebook page, and filling in the form under “cool glasses”.

This competition is supported by Vue Cinemas, who are currently running a couple of awesome (awesome, as in I’m very jealous not to be able to take advantage of this) offers:

  • Cheap Tickets – Take advantage of a 20% saving, off the price of an adult ticket
  • Teen Screen – To coincide with Mother and Baby, and OAP Clubs, Vue Cinemas are launching a brand-new weekly film club, aimed at 13-18 year olds. Running after school, tickets cost £2 for a standard ticket, or £3 for a 3D ticket. But, the best part is, that you get to decide what films are shown each week!
For more information, check out the Vue Teen Screen Facebook page, or check out your local Vue Cinema.
Are you 13-18 years old? Or maybe you’re the parent of a teenager? What are your thoughts on both of these new schemes, brought to you by Optical Express and Vue Cinemas? Personally, I think they’re both great, and I just wish we’d had this sort of stuff around when I was at School!


Yet Another Pretty Tag

Hey guys, here’s another tag challenge for you, which I “acquired” so-to-speak from Dreams that Glitter. I liked this one, because it has a mish-mash of beauty and non-beauty related questions 🙂

1. What is your favourite fashion magazine?
Oh lord. Please don’t hate me, but I honestly can not stand Fashion magazines. They’re just not me at all. And to be fair, they’re not really aimed at people like me (fat girls that don’t quite fit the idea they like to convey in most these magazines). I alsohave huge issues with how much photoshopping goes on in these magazines, it’s not natural, and it’s not healthy.
2. Who is your favourite singer/band?
Now this is an easy question! Linkin Park of course! Roll on November 10th at the O2 Arena..woohoo!
3. Who is your favourite youtube guru?
This a tough one. I don’t think I can choose just one, but here are my Top Three:
4. What is your favourite makeup product?
At the minute, my Anita Grant, Lippy Pucker. Nowthat the weather has started getting a little chilly, my lips have begun to suffer, and these are the perfect solution.
5. Where would you like to live?
Somewhere rural, in a nice little village, with mountains in the distance, and overlooking a river or lake.
Something like this, perhaps:
6. What is your favourite film?
Oh come on, I’m a Film Geek, I really can’t pick just one! Although, I will say that I have a weird “craving to watch this film, right now:
 The character of Caroline, is an absolute legend, especially when she dresses up as a Christmas Tree! Haha, classic! I couldn’t find a clip of that scene, but he’sone that is just as good!
7. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Eek… I have no idea…hmm, let me think:
  • Brown pumps
  • Gold pumps
  • Red and white wedges
  • Brown wedges
  • Grey Boots
  • Winter Walking Boots
  • Summer Walking Boots
  • Roman Sandals
  • Brown trainers
  • Pink trainers
  • Gym trainers
  • “Ball” Shoes
  • Black Pumps
  • Purple Pumps
I think that’s it, which to be fair, isn’t really that bad compared to a lot of girls 🙂
 8. What is your favourite colour?
 Lilac! Woohoo!
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I’m a Plus Size….I’m not Eighty

I’ve always been what you’d consider a larger girl, certainly curvier than all my school friends anyway. Admittedly, the size I am right now, is mainly my own fault, but even if I crash dieted I’m never going to be a super slim super model type of girl. And you know what? I am quite happy with that, because being slim, well, that just isn’t what nature intended for me. And losing some weight is a completely different issue, so I’m not even going to mention that again in this particular blog.

To be fair, I’ve never really been what you’d consider a fashion-minded person, as in I’ve never followed trends specifically. I’m more into wearing what I like and what suits me. Unfortunately, as I’ve gotten larger, the shops that I can shop in has gotten more “exclusive”, if that’s the word to use. But, I’ve begun to realise that a lack of shops isn’t really my issue, as more shops are increasing the sizes that they offer, and the wonder of online shopping is just immense. Instead, it is the actual clothes that they provide.

My annoyance brought out this blog, a mini rant, I guess, about how shops are just getting it wrong. Plus size retailers please take note!!

  • First point shops: I am fat, I am not eighty! So many shops seem to think that because I am fat, I want to hide it behind huge cardigans, which is just ridiculous! Do you know how much fatter cardigans make curvy girls look?  This is definitely something that plus-size specialists Evans is guilty of. About 95% of what they sell is just so frumpy, and unflattering that they’d haveyou looking like an even bigger sack of potatoes.
  • Why is it that shops seem to think that everyone who is fat has huge BOOBS. I don’t even want big boobs, but for some reason because I’ fat, I obviously must have them! Well, I don’t! So,  some low-cut tops are just way too baggy around the cleavage, or they’re too low because my boobs just don’t fill them, as I think I’m expected to.
  • I am one of those unlucky sods of whom is unfortunate to have a long torso, and short legs, which means that regular length trousers are just too long for me, so I do better wearing short or petite trousers and jeans. However, most ranges don’t do short-length in plus sizes, and petite ranges very rarely go higher than a size 14 either. 
  • Did you know that the majority of shops (on and offline) that offer plus sizes do not sell Maternity clothing for anything above a Size 16? I know it’s not necessarily healthy to be pregnant if you’re carrying excess weight, but that is not the point! As a plus sized girl, it makes me worry that if I should get pregnant anytime soon, I’d have to stay at home because my bump wouldnt fit into anything worthy enough to step out of the door, which is just disgusting. The only store I found selling plus size maternity clothes for above a Size 16, was Next, but unfortunately that is only available online and is incredibly limited.
  • My last gripe with plus size shopping is do shops realise how demeaning it is to be served in a plus-size shop (take note Evans) by a size 8 Sales Assistant? Surely, the Sales Assistants job is to promote the brand, but how can they promote it when they don’t fit into the clothes that they are selling? You don’t see Size 20 women working in Top Shop or Bay Trading, because they wouldn’t squeeze into the clothes, so why should it be any different the other way around? It just makes so sense what-so-ever!

Where should larger girls be shopping? 

If you’re a larger girl who still wants to look good at affordable prices, you should check out New Look‘s Inspire range, which has a great range of fashionable outfits that look incredible, and aren’t overpriced tat.

Asos‘ Curve range also has a lot of larger sizes on offer that are the same as many items available in smaller sizes, plus postage is free. However, make sure that you order the right size using their Size Guides.

Dorothy Perkins offers great clothes upto a Size 22, which again are the same ranges as the smaller sizes.

Remember: You might be fat, but that does not mean that you don’t deserve to feel good.
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    Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation Review

    Today’s review is a little different to normal, because this isn’t something that I went out and bought, but rather something that I won in a Rimmel Giveaway. The incredible thing is, that I actually received a whole bottle of this foundation, so it’s not even like it’s just a sample! And Rimmel gave away 10,000 of these?? Crazy! But, I’m not complaining! I’ll try to review this in a similar fashion (although not entirely the same) as my normal reviews!

    My Problem Areas: Normally, this is where I write redness, but in all honesty, since my gentle and oil-balancing skin care regime, including the usual use of a mineral-based foundation, my face really doesn’t seem to be so red anymore. I do, however, have a few spots which are in desperate need of hiding.
    What does the Foundation claim to do? The name “Perfect Match” pretty much sums up what Rimmel claim this product does. It is supposed to “adapt to skin tone and texture” to give the wearer a “perfectly flawless finish”. This is apparently because of a technology called “Smart Tone” which “mimics” your skin tone. It is supposed to be very blendable.
    Does it do what it claims to do? I’ll be honest, I got shade 201, which is Classic Beige, and it is far too dark for my skin tone. But, when you think about it in a literal sense, if this “Smart Tone” is as good as they make out, surely it should still adapt to my skin tone, right? Yeah, who am I kidding!
    It’s very watery, so when I tried applying it using a foundation brush, I thought that it was a bit messy, but this the watery-ness meant that it did blend incredibly well, and it smelt really nice too.
    Good Points: Blends well, smells quite nice, seems to last a really long time, and it had really great coverage, covering my bad skin perfectly.
    Bad Points: It was quite messy, and unfortunately the shade was too dark. It feels awful on my skin, and never really seems to dry fully, which is really annoying. To the touch, it’s weirdly sticky.
    Overall: I really wanted to like this product – it was free, who wouldn’t want to like it? But, unfortunately I don’t. I think that even if I had a lighter shade, the feeling it leaves on the skin would put me off. Going on nicely, is important for me, but feeling good is just as important to looking good. I guess it’s about feeling confident.
    So, it’s fair to say, that no, I wouldn’t buy this product in the future.
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