First Weekly Weigh-in and an OPI Treat

Hey hey, lovely positive beauties. How has everyone’s first week been? Have you been keeping up? I’m not going to lie. I haven’t done all of the daily challenges when I’ve initially seen them go up (and I genuinely don’t know when they are going to go up. I literally put in a random time, press schedule and forget because I do several at a time!), but I have done every single one of them, by the end of that particular day at least. And I feel quite proud of myself.

So, if you too have managed it so far, then accept a positive pat on the good ol’ back 🙂 Well done you. I told you that you could do it 😉

It’s Thursday (erm, as if you didn’t already know, because it’s only one more day to the weekend right?), and Thursday means weigh-in day, so I’m gonna take this opportunity to tell you about what I’ve been up to over the past seven or so days.

What I’ve been up to…

Being slightly agoraphobic, I’m not going to deny that I don’t get out very often, so I’ve enjoyed the motivation of  my daily workouts. But about a week ago, I also ordered myself a couple of fitness DVDs, for beginners that I’ve been trying out. One was Pilates, and one was Yoga. Now, I have never ever tried Yoga, so it was an interesting experience, but I’ll do proper reviews of those probably some time next week 🙂 I haven’t been doing my DVDs every single day, but I’ve been alternating between the two to shake things up a bit, because I was worried about getting bored if I tried doing the same one every time. I think that I might introduce more DVDs gradually, as I progress to more “intermediate” DVDs.

And, the Weekly Weigh-in?

The weigh-in isn’t very exciting this week, because there was absolutely no change at all. I’m not going to deny that I am slightly disappointed, because fitness wise, I have definitely been doing a lot more, and when you’re agoraphobic, that’s hard to do at times. But, I’m just really glad that I haven’t put any weight on.

Positive side of keeping active

I’ve noticed two big changes already in me:

1. I’m drinking a lot more fluids. This feels like it’s come more naturally to me, because I know that I never drink enough water, but I’m definitely getting closer to drinking my however many litres of water a day, so I’m quite chuffed about that.

2. I feel like I have a bit more energy. This was something that I’ve often heard people say about going to the gym, but I really didn’t expect it to occur so quickly. Okay, some days the workouts really wear me out, but most days, I definitely feel more motivated. I’ll be interested to see how that effects my productivity over the next few weeks, as I continue on my Challenge.

On a completely different note:

I just wanted to let all OPI lovers out there, that if you head on over to Buyapowa right now, they have a fantastic deal that has just come up on OPI’s Nicki Minaj Mini Collection:

How amazing do these colours look? I really look the turquoise and silvery-black ones!

Original Price: £12.75
Potential Lowest Price: £8

The Collection includes:

  • Did It On Em – A hot lime green with a cream finish
  • Fly – A neon turquoise polish with a glossy finish
  • Pink Friday – A stunning bubblegum pink with a glossy finish
  • Metallic For Life – An incredible black shade with lots and lots and lots of silver glitter eeeiii!

No matter what the final cost that you pay, you’ll also pay £1.50 to cover postage, which isn’t too bad, I thought.

As of writing this, the current price was at £11 with 18 co-buyers, and they need 100 to get the price down to £8, but with this beautiful collection, from one of my favourite nail polish brands, I really don’t think that it’ll struggle to reach 100.

I really love this Collection, and if I hadn’t just bought myself a few polishes in the Lena White / OPI Sale, I would most definitely be grabbing this co-buy. but, I decided not to…I know, I know, it was a tough choice for this OPI-a-holic!

How has your positive beauty challenge gone this week? 
If you’ve done well, perhaps this OPI Collection would make a lovely reward for your hard work 🙂

OneStopPlus Newsletter

If you follow me, on Facebook or Twitter, you might have seen me mention this, but I completely forgot to blog about it. But, better late than never right?

So, for anyone who did miss it, I wanted to share something with you…Well, you might remember a few months ago, I was asked to review a piece of clothing from One Stop Plus. You can read my review here if you missed it . Well, One Stop Plus featured my thoughts in their newsletter. How awesome is that?

Okay, so it’s hardly a full feature or magazine article, and it might only be sixteen words chopped about a bit, but they’re still my words, and I feel incredibly proud to have written them, and to have been featured, because I’ve never been featured in anything before (well, unless you include the one issue of the School Magazine that I featured in….the magazine that never made it passed its first issue!).

So yes, very proud, and I’m currently wearing the top I reviewed, by pure coincidence (which is actually how I came to remember that I needed to blog about this!)

30 Before 30

As many of you might already know, I turn 30 next year *gulp* in the very distant (yet nowhere near distant enough) November of 2013. And I’ve decided that I want to see out my twenties in style.

The problem with lists like this is judging how realistic to be. I mean, I have some really big dreams, but financially I honestly don’t think that I’ll be able to save up to do them, before the end of 2013. But then again, January 1st 2008, I never expected to be going to Canada five months later, just like January 1st 2011 I never expected to be going to Turkey five months later. Life is just so unpredictable, and I want my list to be achievable but interesting at the same time 🙂

1. Lose three stone in weight
2. Go to Dublin
3. Go to Paris
4. Dye my hair purple, one last time
5. Own a product by MAC, just because I feel like I’m missing out by owning nothing of this brand!!
6. Organise a Creative Writing Reunion, I really miss my Uni Creative Writers
7. Go up Snowdon (not necessarily walking ;P)
8. Walk from Tanygrisiau to Tan y Bwlch (I did this walk many years ago, when I was much younger, and I know it’ll be tough this time, but I really would like to do it again!)
9. Exercise every day, for at least three months
10. Complete my entire Pilates DVD without feeling tired, in one work out
11. Read 15 books over the course of 12 months (I almost managed this in 2011, but only managed 14!)
12. Finishing writing the first draft of my novel
13. Encourage a minor celebrity to take part in my Positive Beauty Pledge (how awesome would that be??)
14. Learn Japanese Welsh
15. Master the application of liquid eyeliner (I swear that there is a secret to, I just haven’t mastered it yet!)
16. Paddle in the Sea
17. Go to a Festival Gig
18. Go to Edinburgh

Evidently, this is going to be a work-in-progress, because I can’t think of anymore, but what would be on your 30 Before 30 List? Or whatever big age will be your next (hey, no one is here to judge ;))

Make Up in Film: Capitol Couture Anyone?

For the past couple of months, the Hunger Games community on Facebook has been rife with activity relating to the upcoming film (due out March 23rd!). But I don’t think that anything has intrigued me more than the gradual drip-feeding of the Capitol Couture Tumblr page. 
The whole thing started in mystery, as we were given nothing more than the link to the password page. And of course, no one knew the password, so people were trying to figure it out. Eventually, we were told that the password was #LookYourBest, which brought us to this page.
Of course a few people got irritated at the idea of having to work out a password, just to come to a page where they had to sign up for something. But, I was intrigued purely because I wondered if it would hold more information on the China Glaze nail polish range, that I blogged about a while ago.
But, anyway, yesterday saw the end of the wait to see what the hell Capitol Couture was all about, and this is what we fans were treated to.

The spotlight is very much on character Effie Trinket, but I love the fact that there are elements of the real world in the film world to. For example, check out these Alexander McQueen shoes…

As well as these erm….interesting shoes…

If shoes aren’t your thing, I was right to think that the China Glaze stuff would feature somewhere in here, and I wasn’t disappointed, as we’re given some nail tips:

Of course, considering that this is all for a film, it seems to be incredibly over-the-top, but as a beauty lover, as well as a fan of the books, I’m absolutely loving it, because it helps us to connect to the film. I just strongly hope that all this marketing on Twitter, Facebook and their various websites isn’t a huge letdown but it’s good that they’ve recognised that a great deal of their audience is so obviously female. and how many females don’t love shoes and nail polish? As marketing goes, it is definitely very clever, albeit very expensive marketing!!

What do you think of this kind of marketing for a film? 
Too much, or just a bit of fun?

After all, it’s only beauty products 😉

**I am in no way affiliated with the film, or any company associated with it. I’m blogging about it, because I’m a nerd, and a beauty lover, and this stuff excites me ;P**

Grab Your OPI Polishes Quick

Just a quick post to say that if you were interested in buying some cheap OPI polishes, the Lena White website is still running a Sale until 5pm today. AND if you enter EXTRA10 when you’re ordering, you’ll save another 10%…pretty good don’t you think 🙂

Here are a few products that will be available, in the OPI Sale, until 5pm today (23.01.2012)


Cuckoo For This Colour
Excuse Moi!
From The Muppets Collection

Fiercely Fiona
From the Shrek Collection

I Lily Love you
It’s My Year!
Nice Stems! Mini Pack

I MAY have just ordered a couple of these products, but I’m not going to share which since they might just be a present for someone…that really depends on how much I like them 😛

Are you planning on grabbing a bargain from the Lena White website? 
You have to admit that these a damn good deal!!

** I was NOT asked to write this post, I am NOT being paid to write it, and I did NOT receive a press release about it. I am just a huge fan of OPI polishes, and I know that a lot of ladies (myself included) can hardly ever afford to buy them, so I thought that it was a great Sale to share. I only share sales etc, if I am genuinely interested in them **