The Positive Beauty 30-Day Fitness Challenge: Day Five

Day Five of the fitness challenge, yipee!! So how is everyone doing? Keeping up? I feel quite proud to be able to say that I’ve done it every day so far. As I chose completely random times when I was scheduling the posts, I genuinely have no idea when the posts will appear, but I’ve been attempting to do them as soon as I see them, and I’m finding them to be great motivation. Of course, sometimes I’m not in a position to do them straight away, but I am aiming to do them as much as I can.

To reward everyone who might have been doing the challenge, I am giving you the day off. How lovely am I? But, even though this challenge is all about keeping fit, consistently, for the course of 30 days, it isn’t about wiping ourselves out. Therefore, taking a day off is a good thing to keep us sane!! Or maybe that’s just me 😉 So, TAKE A BREAK, otherwise you’ll end up like this poor kitty….collapsed over your keyboard……..!!

We all have motivations that keep us going when it comes to weight loss, and I wanted to share a few of mine. These are things that I really want to be able to achieve, and I can only achieve them if I’m a bit slimmer:

1. To be able to fit into my Graduation Jeans. These were probably the most expensive pair of jeans that I’ve ever bought, and came from Monsoon. I absolutely love them, and hope that I can slim back down into them.

2. To feel confident wearing dresses and skirts.

3. To feel confident no matter what I wear, especially during the summer, when more skin is on show. In winter, I can hide it behind a warm coat.

4. I want to be able to fit into clothes that also fit my boob size. At the minute, a lot of larger sizes seem to cater for bigger boobs, so I’d really love to be able to wear smaller tops that don’t, perhaps, expect me to fill them with huge breasticles!!

5. I’d love to be able to buy clothes from Petite Ranges. Most petite ranges appear to completely ignore the fact that larger women can have short legs too, and I often have to buy trousers and jeans that I drown in!!

6. I want to be able to fit into Primark Clothes! I don’t care how tacky most of the clothes are, I just want to have the option, especially when I’m looking for cheap clothes for holidays etc.

7. So I can decent walks, especially in Wales. A couple of years ago I managed to get up an incredibly steep incline with my brother and boyfriend, and although I was absolutely cream crackered when I got to the top of it, I was proud that I did it. But, I want it to be easier, because I hate that I’m missing out on seing some incredibly amazing sights, especially in Wales, a country that I don’t think I will ever fall out of love with.

8. I’d like to build up the confidence to get into running. I’m not saying that I’d do a marathon or anything crazy like that (although, why not?), I always enjoyed getting on the treadmill, at the gym, so I think I’d enjoy going out for runs. At the minute, I always feel held back by this immense and overwhelming paranoia that people will judge me, because I’m fat.

9. I want to be healthy. I want to stop getting back ache from doing simple tasks.

So whilst you’re taking a well deserved break from your fitness challenge, take some time to think about what your motivations are to lose weight. Remember to stay positive, and of course realistic. I know that I’m unlikely to fulfill my desires quickly, and that’s okay, because I’m not in a hurry to lose weight. I know that if I lose weight crazy fast, then I’m just going to put it all straight back on again, and that defeats the purpose!

What is motivating you to lose weight?


Positive Beauty Fitness: A Few Words from Me

Yes, I know this is sort of my third post of today, but hey, two of them weren’t exactly proper blog posts 🙂

Anyone who follows me on Twitter will know that I was deliberating whether or not I should separate all the stuff relating to fitness into a new blog. Initially, I decided that I would. But, I don’t know if you’ve ever run several blogs, but it really is hard word. Baring in mind, that I’m already running this one, and my entertainment one, as well as a business one that gets incredibly neglected, I set one up, and then decided that I would probably neglect it if I continued, so I’ve opted to keep everything here. Plus, a few of you expressed that you’d prefer me to leave it here, so that’s what I’m deciding to do 🙂

Losing weight is not necessarily about being “slim” or “perfect”, it’s about looking and feeling good about yourself, and about being HEALTHY. Healthy is not the same thing for everyone. Some of us are tall, some of us are short, some of us are curvy, some of us are slimmer built. That is just a fact of life, and a fact that the media, for some unknown reason, doesn’t want to encourage us to remember.

This is my my journey to lose some weight, for the sake of my health as well as personal happiness. I hope that a few others will join me on it 🙂

I spent a long time trying to decide whether to share my weight on here, but I’ve decided that I’m going to shame myself and confess. I’m also going to confess that I’m not the heaviest, right now, that I’ve ever been, I’ve been just under a stone heavier than this, a fact that I’m not proud of.

I hope that by admitting how much I weigh, and by being completely honest, I will help other women to stand up and make a change in their lives. That change might not be to lose as much weight as I need to, it might not even be to lose weight at all. The most important thing is that today, you take those first steps to a happier life. Nothing is more important in life than happiness.

So, here goes:

Starting Weight: 16st 9lbs (I told you it wasn’t pretty.

Target Weight: 13st

My target weight is the weight that I need to reach, in order to no longer by considered “obese”, but instead “overweight”. I remember the last time I was at that weight, and I miss it!!

I also want to add that, yes I am fat. Negative comments are not necessary, and will be removed. I hate to sound harsh, but the whole point of this blog was to be supportive.